
Efterklang - With The Danish National Orchestra Performing Parades
V&A - Watergate 06 by dOP
Pegase - Another World
Lontalius - I'll forget 17
Tiefschwarz - Chocolate

Rage Against The Machine - Battle of Mexico

Brève parue sur i-muzzik

LCD Soundsystem au format double cd (parue le 24/12/2004 )

L'album du LCD Soundsystem sera disponible le 24 Janvier prochain au format double cd. Tracklist cd 1 : "Daft Punk Is Playing At My House", "Too Much Love", "Tribulations", "Movement", "Never As Tired As When I’m Waking Up", "On Repeat", "Thrills", "Disco Infiltrator", "Great Release". Tracklist cd 2 : "Losing My Edge", "Beat Connection", Give It Up", "Tired", "Yeah" (Crass Version), "Yeah" (Pretentious Version).